Monday, July 16, 2007


Over the past fifty years, families have changed a great deal. During the 1950's the "traditional" nuclear family, of Leave it to beaver and other sitcoms of that period- was defined by one of its defenders as"a legal life long sexually exclusive, heterosexual monogamous marriage based on affection and companionship, in which there is a sharp division of labor with females as full time housewives and males as primary provider and ultimate authority."(Kimmel 2004 P.117) But in 2050 you can be pretty sure all this will be thrown out the window. Of course we still will have mothers and wives who believe that being a housewife is the best possible thing in a marriage, but we will also have the women who do not believe its the only way. In families of 2050, women with jobs will increase greatly, thus making husbands feeling more neglected and we will see a higher divorce rate or most likely women will not commit to marriage at all.