Saturday, August 4, 2007


Kimmel, Michael S.(2004). The Gendered Society. New York: Oxford University Press.

Kimmel, Michael S. (2000). The Gendered Society Reader. New York: Oxford University Press.

Kindlon, Dan Ph.D & Michael Thompson Ph.D.(1999). Raising Cain. New York: The Balantine Publishing Group.

The Gendered Division of Family Responsibilities. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from
Sex Roles: A journal of Research, Feb. 2004 by Laura Sebattini and Campbell Leaperwww.futureof

Tyre, Peg. Boy Brains, Girl Brains. Retrieved from on July 16, 2007.

All Images from Yahoo Images

ClassRoom 2050

Along with family, educational institutions- from primary schools to secondary schools, colleges, universities and professional schools- are central arenas in which gender is reproduced. (Kimmel 200 p.209) After learning the differences between boys and girls, its clear that both learn differently. Boys are more likely to interrupt, to be called upon by teachers, and to have any misbehavior overlooked. Girls are more likely to remain obedient and quiet and to be steered away from math and science.(Kimmel 200 p.209)

As of now boys and girls are very much learning differently in school. Boys seem to be lagging behind girls in the educational department. Boys do have a lot of trouble when it comes to the classroom, but its not their fault. The interplanetary theory of gender tells us that boys and girls are fundamentally and categorically different. (Kimmel,2004, p.159) Majority of the children, boys and girls, are very much inspired by what they see in the home environment and what’s on television. Early in the school years, children learn to read, thus opening a new source of influence. And they begin to observe the content of other media-television, films, and cartoons.(Kimmel,2004, p.164)

During one of our threaded discussions of session three, my classmate, Pamela Peters stated, "Most of the teachers in elementary grades are women and therefore teach in ways they feel proper.(P.Peters, Personal Communication, July 16, 2007)This was something society never really thought about because you assume teachers are taught in college the difference of teaching boys and girls. If the education process we have to day does not change or re-evaluate its process, boys will continue to fail academically. To close the educational gap, Gurian says, teachers need to change their technique. They should light classrooms more brightly for boys and speak to them loudly, since research shows males don’t see or hear as well as females. Because boys are more visual learners, teachers should illustrate a story before writing it, and use an overhead projector to practice reading and writing. (Tyre, P, Boy Brains, Girl Brains)

After years of studying, examining and observing girls and boys, America had introduced Title IX. The passage of amendments to the Education Act of 1972 contained title IX, which abolished sex discrimination in public school and has since been taken to mandate that women's sports be funded equally with men's.(Kimmel 2004 p.179) Since then, girls participation in interscholastic sports has soared from 300,000 to over 2 million, and the involvement of college-age women has expanded by more than 600 percent. (Kimmel 2004 p.179)

In the year 2050, same sex schools may be a way of life. It will give girls and boys a way to really earn and interact in the classroom on their levels. Women teachers will learn how to teach the opposite sex in an appropriate manner that will appeal to both sexes.

WorkPlace 2050

Perhaps the most dramatic social change in the industrial countries in the twentieth century has been the entry of women into the workplace. The nineteenth century ideology of "separate spheres"- the breadwinner husband and the homemaker wife- has slowly and steadily evaporated. While only 20 percent of women and 4 percent of married women worked outside the home in 1900, more that three-fourths did so by 1995, including 60 percent of married women. In the first decade of the next century, 80 percent of new entrants into the labor force will be women, minorities, and immigrants. (Kimmel 2000 p.256) Although women are always facing the challenges of the "glass ceiling", in the year 2050, women will have increased more support and ingenuity power. Thus making women the able to achieve in an all male field of work.

We think that by 2050 the American workplace is going to become greatly dependant on technology. And such fields as skilled jobs like carpenters, electricians, construction workers will be out of work. Technology becoming such an important role in the future workforce we think that women will most likely be on top of the corporate latter than most men in the labor force because of how important having an education will become. And with women pursuing higher education they will put themselves in better position to achieve success in the workplace.

We also believe that a lot of corporate companies will increase in becoming a more family friendly environment, if they want to keep their great employees. When women put their families before their careers, they are often responding to a generalized cultural mandate that is mediated through direct pressures from their husbands at home and other husbands in the workplace. (Kimmel 2000 p.279) With the large rate of divorced families in 2050, companies will soon realize how important is, and for families to learn to balance between work and family. they will soon offer amenities to employee with children and truly understand when its family time and work time.

WorkPlace 2050

The work place has change from what it used to be early in the years. Woman wore to stay home, their work was to take care of the house, husband, and kids if any. As the years has past gradually women felt more confident and powerful to work out side their homes. Now this days many woman are leaders and to be in control. Kimmel said the generation workplace, that the increasing representation of women in high ranking position is the most dramatic shift in the sex composition of an occupation since clerical work because a female has dominates the field in the late 19th century. By some of the cartoons under glass ceiling showed how men have an ego of feeling they know everything. However if a woman tries to take control, the man gets upset and they tried to push the opponent down. In many of the cartoon you can see how the woman is trying to do her job but the men are all showing upset emotions or they are bored falling sleep, and so far. However in sure if a man was in the same position the man are the other men would be paying attention and work together. Man have this ego that they feel they have to always be better then woman. However many women got tier of been push back that now society could see how many young woman are more focus on reaching to the top of their career. Many of them have not stay home long enough to learn how to take care of a house. By the year 2050 the American workplace is going to become great dependently on technology. Now these days many of us don’t need to go to the mall to by clothes because we could by it online in our favor stores. Another example many woman and man don’t need to know how to broom now there is this little machine call “Rumba” that all you need to do is press the on button and this machine drive around the house by itself and at the same time is swipe the entire floor. I see the further moving always from many skills that had put many of the older generation in to jobs such as carpenters, mechanics, painter, etc. Technology will become such an important aspect of our future workforce that many women will benefit from it. Most women have focus so much in getting an education then men. Education has and will continue play a big role in the technology world that we are becoming. Women will pursuit to achieve better position in the workplace and all well be done from the education they have learned from. Just like that article which talks about boys falling back in education and having a hard time to lean then girl. The American workforce has projected mayor change in the work place. They predicted that woman’s labor force will experience a higher increase that men over the next decades. Also the amount of Hispanics will increase making overall labor force. Another prediction is anything involve with educational field will also bee the fastest growing jobs.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Division of Labor 2050

In society men and women have separate expectations that are demanded of them. The Division of Labor is another subject in which society has control over and made an example of in many family homes. First we must understand that there are different types of families made up in America today.One type of family is most common is the two parent home. This type of family has the most influence from society expectations. With this type of family, the division of labor between couples becomes more traditional as women assume the primary responsibility for both household and parental chores. Although a lot of women today work outside the home, women still must tend to do majority of the household chores and childcare. (Kimmel 2004 p. 133)
In the year 2050, we believe we will come accustomed to a higher rate of divorced families in America. For women, assessing the impact of divorce starts with an examination of the gendered division of responsibility within the family. This division of labor has two important consequences upon divorce: it increases disparities in earning capacity and it encourages mothers to develop a closer relationship with their children than fathers do. (Sebattini and Leaper)
In the year 2050, one name American will know and understand the work of is Scott Coltrane. Coltrane developed a division of labor chart that equally determines the house hold duties in a family. This chart will became apart of families households, whether two-parent, single parent or dual earners, this chart will truly make a families life seem much easier and equally assessed. While studying the division of labor, our class had an assignment on the division of labor assessment and we had to observe a family of our choice and observe the way the DOL exists in their family. One of the assignments we was most enthused by was John Pankowski. John decided to observe his own family and this indeed opened up his true feelings of how much his wife did around the house than he did, until he organized the Division of Labor chart. There was also a sense of comfort when reading John's paper, we liked the idea of John including his older two children from a previous marriage, although they do not live with him. We understand the sense of support John offers his wife, when she wanted to become part time from a full time job to have more time for her family. After reading your Division of Labor assignment we feel relief that there is actually an American Family out there that is normal, with both working parents and still have time for the children. We would hope for this in the future but only time will tell.